
Yoga is a consistently evolving practice and form of exercise that could almost be considered organic. It means something different to each style or school and in fact right down to the individuals who practice yoga. Considering the development it has undergone in the past 5,000 years, it’s easy to see how it will continue to develop, grow and evolve. In some respects, modern yoga, the form practised in studios, gyms and homes the world over today, can be seen as just as complex as the lineages that have come before it. Many current styles are based on hatha yoga, which was initially introduced in the yoga sutras.

We know some of you will be missing your live studio classes right now but practicing at home has loads of benefits too! Here's how to make the most of it.

4 Steps to Start a Yoga Practice
Learn how to breathe
  • The most important thing to do in yoga is to breathe, especially when holding the postures. Learn the basic Dirga pranayama breath to use during yoga. Most importantly, breathe in and out through the nose into the belly. Read our Breathing in Asana article for more advice on breathing while practicing yoga poses. Most importantly, let your breath be your guide throughout your yoga practice.
  • Start with a brief meditation and intention
  • Sit in easy pose or accomplished pose (or any comfortable seating position) and take a few minutes to ground, center and focus inwards with one of our meditations. You may also want to set an intention, goal or prayer for your practice at the beginning meditation.
  • Use basic and beginning level postures
  • Start with one of our warm-up sequences and then try one of our basic yoga pose sequences and/or these simple postures: seated twist, cat, dog, down dog, child, cobra, mountain, triangle, forward bend. Then check out our list of best poses for beginners and explore our Yoga Pose section to find additional poses to add to your practice. It is best to add new poses very slowly.
  • End with Shavasana (relaxation pose)
  • Always end your yoga practice with Shavasana, resting on your back and consciously relaxing your body for 5-15 minutes. It is also recommended to practice a short seated meditation after Shavasana to integrate your yoga practice and transition back into the world.
  • Start with the amazing ADREINE!

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